06 - Publishing Dashboards

Write-Back leverages Tableau Server permissions for authorization, this means that when making a dashboard available on Tableau Server you must be aware that:

  • Any user with permission to edit your dashboard will be able to reconfigure Write-Back
  • Any user with view permissions is able to submit data.

This simplifies Write-Back usage while it still allows for the necessary configuration. It is important to note that while Write-Back does not have an authorization mechanism all data is audited. 

Differentiate view-only users

Sometimes you want to differentiate view-only users from those who are allowed to input data on Write-Back. To achieve that:

  1. Create 2x dashboards on Tableau
  2. First dashboard has Write-Back configured
    1. Is suited for data submission with relevant visualizations
  3. Second dashboard does not have Write-Back configured
    1. Is suited for view-only users with visualizations focused on the end result.
    2. The underlying data sources can take advantage of Write-Back data.
  4. Each dashboard will have its permissions on Tableau Server

When publishing to Tableau Server or Tableau Online if you choose to publish as a separate datasource be aware that Tableau effectively creates a new data source on the server. This means you will need to open the Write-Back configuration screen and choose the datasource for auto-fresh.