Managing Write-Back Cloud


Most management operations are done on Write-Back Manager, and they are described on Setup & Configure Write-Back Cloud, however, some technical aspects are important and this page describes them.


All the actions performed by users in Write-Back (add data, delete or edit) are stored in the historical_audit table. This can help you identify which user did a specific insert and at what time in which dataset, for example.

Historical Audit

The historical_audit table is automatically populated by Write-Back to keep track of all the actions taken by users. Each entry has the following fields:

ID1234a678-9b01-23c4-5d6e-7f89a0123b45ID - primary key. (UUID)
ACTIONDATE_LOCAL2019-01-21 14:24:47Date and time of the user's action. The date is stored in the server time zone.
ACTIONDATE_UTC2019-01-21 12:24:47Date and time of the user's action. The date is stored in UTC.
ACTIONNAMEALTER_DATASETThe type of user's action. Please find below a list with the actions available.
ACTIONPARAMSrenameColumn;dropColumn;modifyColumn;addColumnDetails of a user's action.


forecasts_modificationsName of the data set.
DATASETKEY1234a678-9b01-23c4-5d6e-7f89a0123b45Record's key in the dataset. (UUID)
SYSTEMServerThe system where the user performs actions. Possible values include 'Server' or 'Desktop'.
USERNAMEusernameThe user that performed the action.
IDWIDGETCONFIGURATION1234a678-9b01-23c4-5d6e-7f89a0123b45The ID of the Widget Configuration.
WRITEBACK_SITEdefaultThe site used during the configuration or append of data.

The action names considered are the following:

NameAction Detail
DELETE_DATAThe user either on Desktop or Server deletes a data entry
INSERT_DATAThe user either on Desktop or Server submits a data entry
EDIT_DATAThe user either on Desktop or Server edits an existing data entry

For the EDIT_DATA actions, there are a few additional combinations to notice:

ActionParamsAction Detail
editDataDeleteThe user deleted a cell (when using pivots) or a complete line (when not using pivots) - only shows up when using tabular mode.
editDataInsertThe user inserted a new cell/line - only shows up when using tabular mode.
1234a678-9b01-23c4-5d6e-7f89a0123b45The user edited an entry, the actionParam refers to the line that was disabled and the new line will be in the datasetKey column.

Dataset Tables

When a dataset is created a table is also created in the database to store its values. Take the "Sales Forecast" dataset for example, when creating it will create a new table named "sales_forecast" with the defined fields on the configuration.

The creation of a dataset will also add a new line to the historical audit saying that a dataset was created.

Dataset tables will have columns mimicking the configuration defined on Write-Back plus some additional columns that are added by default:

SURROGATE_KEY1234a678-9b01-23c4-5d6e-7f89a0123b45ID - primary key. (UUID)
ISACTIVETrue / False

Indicates if the record is active on the latest snapshot. Write-Back never deletes or updates records instead it deactivates the existing version with this flag and inserts a new record.

Typically you want to filter this column by True when using on a Tableau data source.

TIMESTAMP LOCAL2019-01-21 12:24:47Date and time of the user's action. The date is stored in the server time zone.
TIMESTAMP UTC2019-01-21 12:24:47Date and time of the user's action. The date is stored in UTC.