Uninstall Write-Back Server


Write-Back makes available an uninstaller both for Linux and Windows. While the uninstaller will delete any files used by Write-Back and Write-Back manager it will not delete any data from external data storage. This process should be done manually. 

To uninstall Write-Back follow the instructions below.


Step 1: Go to your installation directory

Locate the Write-Back installation directory

Step 2:  Execute the Uninstaller

In there, you will find the Uninstaller folder

 For Windows
  1. Right-click on the Unistaller.bat
  2. Select Run as administrator on the menu.
  3. A command line window should open and start like this:

If you get a no access error on the command line please make sure you use Run as administrator. 

 For Linux

Run uninstall.sh as sudo:

sudo ./uninstall.sh

Step 3: Remove the empty directory

Please remove the residual empty directory that is left behind.