How to set up local user authentication - Manual Setup - Write-Back Manager

Applies to Write-Back Server



Authentication on Write-Back Manager is done by default based on the operative system user. This is the best approach as it allows you to keep the existing password policies and ensure the application works properly. When you have a specific policy that does not allow operative system login based on you can use local authentication instead.

By following the steps on this page, you can enable local authentication or simply update the credentials if it is already being used.

Step 1: Go to folder

Go to folder <installation-folder>/Write-Back/manager folder.

Step 2: Run util to generate file

Open the terminal and run the command below inside this folder :

java -jar writeback-encrypt.jar localuser.yml ´my_new_username´ ´my_new_password´

Make sure to replace “my_new_username” and “my_new_password” with your desired credentials.

Step 3: Validate file generated

Open the localuser.yml file to verify that the username is there and the password is encrypted.

Step 4: Move file to the correct location

Move the localuser.yml file to the directory <installation-folder>/manager/apache-tomcat/webapps/writeback-manager/WEB_INF/classes folder. If you have already a localuser.yml file here just replace it.

Make sure that the name stays localuser.yml.

Step 5: Restart Write-Back Manager

Finally, restart the writeback-manager server so the changes take effect.