How to configure SAML with OneLogin

Applies to Write-Back Server


Write-Back supports many SAML identity providers however, some, like OneLogin, have specific configurations that do not apply to other IdPs.


Below, you will find how to set up Write-Back with OneLogin.

OneLogin Application Type

The first thing to do is to create a new application for SAML with the SAML Custom Connector (Advanced).

OneLogin Application finder with SAML Custom Connector

SAML Application Configuration

After creating the app and giving it a name, the next step is to configure the SAML URLs and ID.

OneLogin SAML configuration for Write-Back. Recipient and ACS URL match AssertionConsumerService from the Write-Back metadata file and the ACS validator can be the same as well. Audience corresponds to the EntityID.

Here, you will place the information that you can get from the metadata file the Write-Back Manager generates while configuring SAML.

The Audience corresponds to the EntityID in the site metadata file, the Recipient and ACS (Consumer) URL corresponds to the AssertionConsumerService Location value, and the ACS Validator can match the ACS URL or any other regex that may pass this validation.