03 - Permissions

The permissions screen, enables defining the level of access that a user will have to the current Write-Back dataset. These permissions will be applied on top of the default or assigned user role and allow establishing a tailored governance model for datasets.

The permissions screen can be accessed through the permissions button found on the header of the configuration screen.

Before accessing the permissions screen, dataset changes must be saved, whether you are configuring a new configuration or editing a previous configuration.

Capabilities are actions the user can perform and are represented by an icon. Placing the mouse over the icon displays a tooltip with a clear name for the capability. All users with at least one defined capability will be listed in the table and these will be only applied on the dataset being configured.

00 - Add Permissions

Not-listed users can be added to the table using the Add User button. To add permissions to a specific user, you can click on the corresponding space to allow, deny, or remove the previous permission configuration.

If no capabilities are defined, the user’s role will determine their access.

01 - Filter Users

The Search button can be used to search for a specific user(s) on the table.

02 - Remove Permissions

To remove all defined permissions, delete the specified user from the table.

If each capability is removed individually, the user will still be listed on the table, but the next time you access the permissions screen, they will not be listed since they have no capabilities defined.