Configure Write-Back Server for External Access


Out of the box, by choosing basic configuration, Write-Back is available for localhost use only. That is perfectly fine for trial use on a laptop or just on a local server, however, if you need to provide access to others on your network, that is also possible but requires a little more configuration.

This configuration usually applies to the basic configuration but can also be configured with an advanced.

Configure Web Server in Write-Back Manager

To configure Write-Back for external access, please navigate to Advanced Configuration > Web Server in Write-Back manager.

Configure Web Server in Write-Back Manager

Set domain and port

To allow external access, you have to provide the machine name, DNS name or IP address of the server that is running Write-Back.

If for some reason you need to change the port, you can also do that here; this is optional.

Upload certificate keychain

The Write-Back Manager supports upload of JKS or PKCS12 certificate chains.

For trials

If you just want to try Write-Back on a server and don't want to request a valid certificate from a Certificate Authority, you can use the IP of the server in the Domain field and use the keystore_ip.jks that you can find in: <installation_path>/apache-tomcat/keystore_ip.jks.

This is a Keystore that is generated by the installer for this purpose; the password for this Keystore is writeback123.

For production

For production usage, it is likely that a domain name will be provided, therefore you will need to provide your own certificate.

More on this in Prepare for SSL Configuration for Write-Back Server.

Apply changes to Write-Back

After making these changes, make sure to apply the configuration in the Apply Settings page and, if you changed the domain, also download the updated trex files from the Using Write-Back Page.