Troubleshoot SAML configuration after 4.2

Applies to Write-Back Server

After 4.2 SAML has been improved

Starting on version 4.2, the hostname is also considered when generating the entity ID for the sites. Some IDPs do not allow creating multiple applications with the same entity ID and this improvement allows this for scenarios where you can have the same site name across a test and a production environment, for example.

Because of this, if you are upgrading from a version before 4.2 that already has SAML configured, you will have to reconfigure the SAML application on the IDP side as the entity ID will change




Step 1: Copy the new values for the entity ID and ACS

You can find these steps in

Step 2: Save the method to the site

Make sure to have the steps indicated in the “SAML” page linked above and apply the settings afterward.